A great bicycle to take me through the country
It’s a beautiful day in St. Paul with the warmth of spring and less than 30 days before I start in Seattle WA. TREK bicycle has given me one of their finest machines ever and I’m looking forward to giving it a run.
I told Maury that I’ll let the world know just how good his bike is and thanked him for the opportunity to put it to the test. Meanwhile, the Pioneer Press released a nice article on Monday whick explains to the readers in St. Paul of just what I’m about to take on. All I’m asking for is the “Hope” in their hearts, documented on paper. I’ll take care of the rest with the help of NASA. It was hard to believe how many people stopped me while I was delivering the mail yesterday to say they saw the article. Now my “daytime” family knows that their mailman has a heart as well! I’ve watched some of my customers go from diapers to college and it’s been a delight serving them over the years.
There’s been an addition to the game plan. Because of the volume of letters being received already, we’ve opened an additional P.O. Box to accommodate the volume. Check the web site for the address or continue to send it with just “Letter of Hope”. We’ll gather it all throughout America.